Keeping Kids Safe


Electricity is a part of everyday life. It makes our lives easier and more enjoyable. While this is true, electricity can be very dangerous if it is not used properly. In fact, each year thousands of children are injured by electrical shock from household appliances or other household items (e.g., lamps, radios, fans). Fortunately there are things you can do to keep your child safe in the home:

Electricity is not always dangerous

Electricity is not always dangerous. It’s only when you’re exposed to too much of it that you have to worry about electrical shock. Electrical shock can be deadly and cause burns, other injuries and even heart attacks. The best way to prevent these problems is by educating your kids about how electricity works and what they can do if they get shocked by a power source or appliance.

The things that can cause electrical shock are water, high voltage current and faulty wires

There are many things that can cause electrical shock, but it’s important to know the most common ones.

  • Water – Water and electricity don’t mix, so always keep an eye on your children when they’re near water sources. If they step into a puddle or get wet from rain or sprinklers, move them away from any electrical outlets immediately and dry them off with a towel before touching them again!
  • High voltage current – This is something you should be especially aware of if you have electricity running through your home’s walls or floorboards (like in older houses). When wiring was first installed in homes, there weren’t any standards for how much current could pass through wires before they got damaged; now there are regulations set by local governments that limit how much power can go through each wire size depending on its purpose (e.g., 15 amps vs 20 amps). If someone touches two wires together at once while holding onto one end of one pair only then he/she may receive enough current passing through his body parts such as arms/legs which could lead to him being seriously injured or dying instantly if left unattended long enough without help arriving quickly enough.

Wires can get damaged from being chewed on or from being pulled apart by children

Wires can get damaged from being chewed on or from being pulled apart by children.

Make sure all outlets are covered with safety caps for chewable items and plugs that can be pulled out easily.

Make sure all outlets are covered with safety caps for chewable items and plugs that can be pulled out easily

Safety caps are an easy way to keep your kids safe. They’re inexpensive, and they come in different colors, so you can match them to the decor of your home.

If you have outlets that are not easily accessible by your children and their toys, but still need to be covered for safety reasons:

  • Make sure that the safety caps are easy to remove and replace when needed (they should not require any tools).
  • Make sure that the kids can’t reach them on their own; this means keeping them out of reach as well as making sure no one leaves them off accidentally when they leave the room.
  • If possible, get ones with two-way screws so even if one falls off into a carpeted area it won’t be lost forever!

Keep electrical cords in good condition and make sure they are not near high-traffic areas where they can get damaged by being stepped on or pulled

If you have young children, it’s important to take precautions when using electrical cords. The first and most obvious step is to keep your cords out of reach, especially if they are damaged or frayed in any way. This means not letting them dangle from the floor or wall where they could be pulled on by accident, stepped on by someone who doesn’t see them (like an older child), or chewed by pets who like chewing things! If a cord is exposed and its insulation has been damaged by wear-and-tear or pets’ teeth marks, replace it immediately before using it again–don’t use extension cables with this kind of damage either!

Your best bet for keeping kids safe around electricity is not letting them get near any type of electrical device without supervision until they’re old enough to understand what could happen if something goes wrong. If possible choose products with built-in safety features such as automatic shutoff devices that turn off power flow when anything touches an exposed wire; these will help prevent injuries caused by contact burns during accidents like those mentioned above but won’t necessarily stop an adult from making mistakes like leaving appliances running unattended while going outside for some fresh air.

When you move furniture around, make sure that it does not block cord pathways or access to electrical outlets

When you move furniture around, make sure that it does not block cord pathways or access to electrical outlets.

  • Make sure the cords are not in the way of traffic. If possible, route them so they run along walls and baseboards rather than across walkways. This will help prevent tripping accidents and injuries from falling onto hard surfaces such as tile floors or concrete patios.
  • Do not place any items on top of power strips where they could be pulled off by children playing nearby, who might yank on those cords inadvertently while trying to reach something else on top of them (perhaps even another child). Also keep these devices out of reach when possible; make sure their covers are closed when not in use so no one can stick their hands inside them accidentally while reaching for something else nearby!

Follow these steps to keep your home safe from electric shocks

  • Keep cords in good condition. Cords should be kept away from high-traffic areas, such as the kitchen and near sinks or pools of water.
  • Cover outlets with safety caps when not in use. This is especially important for outlets that might have inappropriate items plugged into them, or those that can be pulled out easily by little ones (like phone chargers).


In conclusion, it is important to remember that electricity can be a dangerous thing. The best way to keep your child safe from being shocked by an electrical outlet is by making sure they are always covered with safety caps and plugs that can be pulled out easily. If you follow these steps then there should be no reason why anyone would get hurt!

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